Sunday, 31 October 2010

What is visual effects?

Visual effects are often integral to a movie's story and appeal. Although most visual effects work is completed during post-production, it usually must be carefully planned and choreographed in pre-production and production. Visual effects are designed and edited in Post-Production, with the use of graphic design, modelling, animation and similar software, while special effects are made on set, such as explosions, car chases and so on.

Visual effects may be divided into at least four categories:
  • Models: miniature sets and models, animatronics, stop motion animation.
  • Matte Paintings, and stills: digital or traditional paintings or photographs which serve as background plates for keyed or rotoscoped elements.
  •  Live-action effects: keying actors or models through bluescreening and greenscreening.
  •  Digital animation: modeling, computer graphics lighting, texture, rigging, animating, and rendering computer-generated 3D characters, particle effects, digital sets, backgrounds.


Tuesday, 26 October 2010

What we will be researching

Nana and I has decided to research the area of Visual Effects.

Here are the main points we will be looking at:

  • History of visual effects

        -A time line for visual effects animation

      - Technology

      - Industry structure

  • Todays visual effects
         -Visual effects companies
        - Budget and profit
        - Skills and abilities

  • Changes in visual effects

  • Future of visual effects


About this Blog

During my final year at Teesside University, me and my partner, Nana Guo is to research an area of industry. This is for one of our modules, Studio Practice and Business.  I will use this blog to record my findings.

The brief is as follows-

'You are required to conduct primary and secondary research into your chosen area of the industry. This research could consist of case studies, interviews, references to newspapers, blogs etc. You should aim to build up an accurate picture of the current state of the industry in your chosen field. 

You are asked to consider how the industry is changing and what are the implications for the future?'


Me and Nana will then present our findings with a 10 minute presentation.  

This is a link to Nana's blog -